Lindsay Caiozzo smiling

Lindsay Caiozzo

Lindsay Caiozzo is a Commercial Lines Account Manager at the Schoolcraft location of Trust Shield Insurance Group. She joined the agency in November 2023.

At the Office

Armed with a Bachelor of Business Administration and a major in Marketing from Western Michigan University, Lindsay joined the Trust Shield team as a Commercial Lines Account Manager. With two years of dedicated account management experience prior to joining our team, Lindsay plays a crucial role in supporting commercial lines producers and clients by facilitating policy changes, preparing quotes, and efficiently processing claims.

She finds immense satisfaction in the dynamic office community at Trust Shield, where each day presents new opportunities for learning and growth.

At Home

A native of Warren, Lindsay currently calls Kalamazoo home. Lindsay lives with her husband Joe and her daughters, Isabella and Elliana. Their furry family members include Luna, a Catahoula leopard dog, and Ozzy, a cat. Lindsay finds joy in simple pleasures, such as watching football with her husband, playing volleyball, enjoying beach days, and spending quality time with friends and family.

Clients might be surprised to learn that Lindsay, beyond her accomplished career, was crowned prom queen in high school and discovered she was expecting her first daughter, Isabella, just a day after graduating from Western Michigan University.

At Your Service

Contact Lindsay Caiozzo today!


(269) 679-4918